Solutions for every business.

We provide consulting for data processing and accounting software. Our services include but are not limited to, hardware and software evaluation.

We provide all levels of tax services and can prepare income tax returns for many entities including, but not limited to individuals, L.L.C., and corporations.

If you are planning to start a new business venture or go into business with an associate, friend or family member, now is the best time to prepare for the long, hard road ahead.

Estate planning is one of the most complicated, but financially rewarding undertakings anyone can provide for their family.

Where’s My Tax Refund?

Where’s My Refund? will display the status of your refund, usually on the most recent tax year refund.

No matter what business you’re in, we can assist.

Private Clients

Private Clients



Professional Firms

Professional Firms

Tracy Adkins, CPA
is a member of:


Texas society of Certified Public Accountants

Dave RamseY

Dave Ramsey - Endorsed Local Provider


American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Get a personal consultation.